Betty : kitty考第二,我只考了第三
Ethel : 你们应该很高兴听到我考了第一,joan第二
joan : 我考第三,可怜的Ethel垫底
kitty: 我第二,marry只考了第四
marry: 我是第四,Betty的成绩最高。
class Amb class ExhaustedError < RuntimeError; end def initialize @fail = proc { fail ExhaustedError, " amb tree exhausted " } end def choose( * choices) prev_fail = @fail callcc { | sk | choices.each { | choice | callcc { | fk | @fail = proc { @fail = prev_fail fk.call(:fail) } if choice.respond_to ? :call sk.call(choice.call) else sk.call(choice) end } } @fail.call } end def failure choose end def assert (cond) failure unless cond end alias :require : assert end 这一段代码与scheme宏实现amb是完全相同的:
(define amb - fail ' *) (define initialize - amb - fail ( lambda () (set! amb - fail ( lambda () (error " amb tree exhausted " ))))) (initialize - amb - fail) (define call / cc call - with - current - continuation) (define - syntax amb (syntax - rules () ((amb alt
) (let ((prev - amb - fail amb - fail)) (call / cc ( lambda (sk) (call / cc ( lambda (fk) (set! amb - fail ( lambda () (set! amb - fail prev - amb - fail) (fk ' fail))) (sk alt)))
(prev - amb - fail))))))) 回到谜题,从题意可知每个姑娘的两句话的异或结果为true,并且姑娘的排名肯定不会相同,因此定义两个辅助过程:
require ' amb ' def distinct?(items) items.uniq == items end def xor(exp1,exp2) (exp1 or exp2) and !(exp1 and exp2) end 剩下的完全就是将题目翻译成代码即可了,没有多少可以解释的东西:
amb = Amb.new betty = amb.choose( * [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ]) ethel = amb.choose( * [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ]) joan = amb.choose( * [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ]) kitty = amb.choose( * [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ]) marry = amb.choose( * [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ]) amb.require(xor(kitty == 2 ,betty == 3 )) amb.require(xor(ethel == 1 ,joan == 2 )) amb.require(xor(joan == 3 ,ethel == 5 )) amb.require(xor(kitty == 2 ,marry == 4 )) amb.require(xor(marry == 4 ,betty == 1 )) amb.require(distinct?([betty,ethel,joan,kitty,marry])) puts " betty:#{betty} ethel:#{ethel} joan:#{joan} kitty:#{kitty} marry:#{marry} " 答案就是:
betty:3 ethel:5 joan:2 kitty:1 marry:4 最后给出一个Prolog的解答:
notmember(A,[]). notmember(A,[B | L]): - A\ == B, notmember(A,L). distinct([A,B,C,D,E]): - notmember(A,[B,C,D,E]), notmember(B,[A,C,D,E]), notmember(C,[A,B,D,E]), notmember(D,[A,B,C,E]), notmember(E,[A,B,C,D]). xor(Exp1,Exp2): - (Exp1;Exp2),\ + (Exp1,Exp2). solve(Betty,Ethel,Joan,Kitty,Marry): - X = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ], member(Betty,X), member(Ethel,X), member(Joan,X), member(Kitty,X), member(Marry,X), distinct([Betty,Ethel,Joan,Kitty,Marry]), xor(Kitty = : = 2 ,Betty = : = 3 ), xor(Ethel = : = 1 ,Joan = : = 2 ), xor(Joan = : = 3 ,Ethel = : = 5 ), xor(Kitty = : = 2 ,Marry = : = 4 ), xor(Marry = : = 4 ,Betty = : = 1 ). 文章转自庄周梦蝶 ,原文发布时间2008-11-15